Case Study
This mock project was to create a recruiter onboarding training for a fictional company, Orange. The ILT walks recruiters through onboarding new employees and why the onboarding process is essential. At the end of the training, recruiters experience a practical exercise to solidify the skills they have learned.
Orange was experiencing a high turnover rate of new employees. During their exit interview, 43% of employees stated this was because they never received proper training or knew what hiring managers expected of them. Upon further investigation, new employees need help finding vital information about their role. The confusion was because of an incomplete onboarding process and miscommunications between the recruiters, HR, and hiring managers.
Project Title: Recruiter Onboarding Training
Tools used in Development: PowerPoint, Google Slides
Time in Development: 2 days
Client: Orange *Mock Client*
Collaborators: Amanda White
I created this Instructor Led Training to highlight the key points in recruiter onboarding. The facilitator will elaborate upon the topics and help the recruiters practice during the exercise.
While the recruiting team works remotely, Orange felt it was important to bring them together for this training. Recruiters will be expected to role-play the onboarding process during the practical exercise portion of the training. While I could have created a branching scenario in Storyline, Orange felt that real-time interaction was vital to success.
After interviewing SMEs and reading through the recruiter training manual, I created a storyboard of the information in the PowerPoint. To keep the PowerPoint design clean and simple, I highlighted key information and included more in-depth content in the facilitator guide.
Throughout the development process, I learned the importance of filtering through information to create a streamlined presentation. Including too much information at once can quickly become daunting and challenging to process. By keeping the key points in the presentation, learners will have an easier time consuming the content.
After recruiters completed the training, Orange saw a 7% reduction in turnover in three months. Recruiters reported that the role-play exercise was highly beneficial in helping them understand what processes need to be completed when onboarding new employees.